Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Morning Light

Morning Light, 30 x 40, oil on canvas

This painting has a ledger or robe paintings in the back ground. The one in this painting depicts a Horse Raid.

The plains Indian has his face painted white and red. He wears a fringed Buckskin shirt with red trade cloth and carries a shield. Eagle Feathers adorn his hair.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Commissioned Painting by K Henderson

Commissioned Painting, 30 x 30, oil on linen

I used this model several years ago for a painting. A collector saw the painting but missed out on purchasing it. The beautiful model made enough of an impact that the image stayed in his mind. I was recently commissioned to create this painting using the same young American Indian woman.


Friday, March 8, 2013

Dreams by Night by K Henderson

Dreams by Night, 36 x 36, oil on linen

This Plains Indian wears eagle feathers, has his face painted and wears a Trade Blanket or Wearing Robe from the early 1900's.

Trade blankets were among the earliest items of exchange between American Indians and Europeans fur traders in the 1700's.