Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Soul of Years~Oil Painting by K Henderson


Soul of Years, 20" x 30"
This American Indian  wears feathers and a red ribbon in his hair. His face is painted red, white and blue.


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Spirit Dancer by K Henderson

                                                 Spirit Dancer, 30 x 30, oil on linen

 This Plains Indian Woman wears a dress used in the Ghost Dance.

It was said that performing the Ghost Dance would peacefully end the dominance of the white Man and return abundance to the land, including the return of the Buffalo.


Monday, March 3, 2025

The Delegate by K Henderson


The Delegate, 36 x 36, oil on canvas
This painting is a continuation of my 'Top Hat" series. In the 1880's The Powers That Be in the United States Government would invite American Indian leaders to Washington. There they were given gifts such as clothing, flags, hats etc. The recipient would then use these items as they saw fit. This hat is decorated with parts of a flag, an emblem from a helmet, ribbons and feathers

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Hour of Glory by K Henderson

The Hour of Glory, 30 x 30, oil on linen

This Plains Indian carries a shield with the symbols of hail and lightning. These symbols were meant to protect the shield bearer from the forces of nature and prayer for hail  and lightning to fall on the warrior's enemy.

His hair is adorned with eagle feathers. His face is painted red, white and blue



Saturday, March 1, 2025

Whispering Way by K Henderson

Whispering Ways, 30 x 30, oil on canvas
This American is wearing a feathered headdress, has a coup mark on his face and wears a beaded medallion on his shirt


Friday, February 28, 2025

Wings of the Night~Oil Painting by K Henderson

Wings of Night, oil on linen, 30 x 30

If you follow my work, you'll know that  I've been using a more subdued limited palette of colors in the past several months. I love the subtlety of these paintings, But I have gotten more than one request of "We want more color!"

So, In response, this Plains Indian is decked out with lots of RED against a blue background.

This painting is available for purchase.
