Moves Like the Wind is oil on linen, 30" x 30". It depicts a Plains Indian holding a shield and a eagle dance wand. His face is painted Red and white.
This painting will be avaiable for purchase from K. Henderson Studio for a short time
The Eyes of American Indians, Western art, American Indian art, Native American art, southwestern art. Plains Indian, painting, Western artist, southwest artist, southwest art, Cowboys and Cowgirls
I have a show coming up in about a month at Gallery 822 in Santa Fe, NM. I'm trying to get 8 new paintings done for the show.
Here's my first one. Bear Talisman is oil on canvas, 40" x 30".The painting is a plains Indian wearing eagle feathers and a beaded shirt He hold a shield on which is painted a bear. There is also a beaded talisman with a bear claw. The talisman is said to give the shield bearer the attributes of The Bear : Strength and Courage