Monday, July 27, 2009

Moves Like the Wind - American Indian

Moves Like the Wind is oil on linen, 30" x 30". It depicts a Plains Indian holding a shield and a eagle dance wand. His face is painted Red and white.
This painting will be avaiable for purchase from K. Henderson Studio for a short time


Monday, July 20, 2009

Bear Talisman - Oil painting

I have a show coming up in about a month at Gallery 822 in Santa Fe, NM. I'm trying to get 8 new paintings done for the show. 

Here's my first one. Bear Talisman is oil on canvas, 40" x 30".The painting is a plains Indian wearing eagle feathers and a beaded shirt He hold a shield on which is painted a bear. There is also a beaded talisman with a bear claw. The talisman is said to give the shield bearer the attributes of The Bear : Strength and Courage

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Amulet

The Amulet is one of my large paintings, 36 x 36. It's oil on linen.
This painting was interesting for me because it differs from my normal Warriors in a few ways. The most obvious is that the subject is not 'looking' at the viewer. His eyes are down cast.
There are large blocks of geometric shaped color. This is intended so your focus is on the face and beaded amulet.
I also used a limited palette of black, white and raw sienna accented with red, blue and a touch of yellow.
Tell me what you think.